Furthermore, find out more about the multitude of effective and attractive advertising possibilities and raise the profile of your company and your products. Our service partner NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH is pleased to support and advise you by phone under +49 201 36547 209. Please have in mind offers of listings in print or electronic media from any other publisher are not authorized by Messe Düsseldorf. The space allocation process will presumably last until May 2021 and we will do our best to consider your individual requests. By applying for the show, you accept to erect boundary walls to your stand and to lay a floor covering. We will keep you up to date with information about the show. Please find further details on www.caravan-salon.com. If you have any further question, please feel free to call us on +49 211 4560 957 or contact us by email to CSD@messe-duesseldorf.de. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration and welcome you at CARAVAN SALON 2021. Kind regards, i. A Pascal Versen Senior Project Manager i. A. Patricia Barth Senior Project Manager {ZB begin} P.S. For further information, you may also contact our representative in your country: {ZB_FIRMENNAME1} Tel.: {ZB_CPTEL} Email: {ZB_CPEMAIL} {ZB end} ##Typ=Anmeldebestaetigung {AU_AUFTRAGSART}## ##Messenummer=1{CUSTOM_MESSENUMMER}## ##Auftragsnummer={AU_AUFTRAGNR}## ##Kundennummer={AU_KUNNR}## ##KundenEMail={Y2_CPEMAIL}## ##Sprache={AU_SPRACHE}## ##AdressId={Y2_ADRESSIDCRM}## ##KontaktpersonenID={Y2_CPIDCRM}## ##Kampagnentitel=AnmeldebestaetigungCaravanSalon2021## ##Gruppe=10173## ##Status=erledigt##